Current planning applications In Ludlow
Details of these applications will be found on Shropshire Council'splanning website
19/00242/REM Plans for
housing on former Whittle Bus Depot
FCT have commented on this planning application as
Lower Corve Street is known to suffer from problems of surface water and flash flooding. There are no plans
for sustainable drainage in this planning application, and roads, pavements and parking areas would appear to
have hard surfacing, which, if implemented, would worsen these issues for Lower Corve Street
Permeable surfaces should be used wherever possible within this development to provide a net gain of reduced
18/05877/FUL Application to build 2 houses on Bridge Inn car parkFCT have submitted the
following letter to Shropshire
Council concerning this application.
We agree with Councillor Boddington’s views re the above application, viz: that the plans are an
improvement; positioning is better; parking and the historic wall have been retained, and four new trees and
hedging are proposed. This is to be commended.
However, we reiterate the concerns expressed in our previous letter, regarding the
need to use permeable materials instead of the proposed concrete slabs on the surfaces in front of the houses, and
the path area behind. Lower Corve Street has a recorded history of flooding from the river, and in recent years has
been prone to frequent flash flooding, causing severe damage to houses and businesses. It is both
environmental common sense and good marketing to use materials which can alleviate damage caused by run-off and
storm drainage.
17/00230/FUL Application to build 3 houses on woodland adjacent to Linney House
Numerous objections have been made to this proposed development ever since the original application
12/02275/FUL. We are concerned particularly with flood risks, the inaccuracy of flood maps used due to incorrect
assessment and lack of understanding of local geography and geology which will inevitably result in groundwater
rise. There is no reference to the former sand and gravel workings on the site.The proposed houses lie within a few
metres of the Corve which has flooded there 5 times during the past century. Two of the 3 houses lie within Flood
Zone 2. No proper provision is made for disposing of excess water, the existing Linney sewer is already at maximum
capacity, and SUDS will be completely ineffective owing to the low elevation and high water table.
FCT have accordingly made an objection to this application, as have
residents of Linney and councillor for Ludlow North Andy Boddington
Concerned individuals can also make comments to Shropshire Council. Their preferred method of receiving any
representations is via the Online Planning Register under Public Access on the Shropshire Council planning website. Comments submitted
through Public Access will be automatically acknowledged and the progress of the application can be monitored in
this way.